Dear all teachers, sisters, brothers, and friends
We (I and Fathiyya (my girl)) need your help to choose the favorite letter of lovely letters below, since Fathiyya was so glad and so thankful to have such beautiful letters from her teachers at TK Firdaus Percikan Iman. She wrote some simple letters to her teachers and friends . She wrote only 3 or 5 sentences enriched by her own 'asal jadi' drawing, but ... wow her teachers replied her letters in such lovely 'real' letters. They bring joyful to my girl (dugi ka ajrut-ajrutan c dede macana he...he...
), en of course they 'melted' my heart succesfully...
Therefore we think we need to apreciate them by giving them 'creative teacher award'
from multipliers he...he...(soale penilaian fathiyya subjektif bangeeeed....jadi ummina lieur he..he..)
So , we invite you to give your comments and please choose one of your favorite letter. Fathiyya also has a lovely handycraft
for the favorite multiplier comment. Thank you for your attention. Peace...
Wassalamu'alaykum wR.wB
Here are the candidates:
We (I and Fathiyya (my girl)) need your help to choose the favorite letter of lovely letters below, since Fathiyya was so glad and so thankful to have such beautiful letters from her teachers at TK Firdaus Percikan Iman. She wrote some simple letters to her teachers and friends . She wrote only 3 or 5 sentences enriched by her own 'asal jadi' drawing, but ... wow her teachers replied her letters in such lovely 'real' letters. They bring joyful to my girl (dugi ka ajrut-ajrutan c dede macana he...he...
Therefore we think we need to apreciate them by giving them 'creative teacher award'
So , we invite you to give your comments and please choose one of your favorite letter. Fathiyya also has a lovely handycraft
Wassalamu'alaykum wR.wB
Here are the candidates:
wah ada bu ella juga hihii..bentar tante baca ampe abis ^-^
ReplyDeleteok,tante pilih suratnya pak Aan dan Bu siti ^-^
ReplyDeletesaya pilih surat dari Pak Aan deh... coz.. lucu.. :D
ReplyDeleteilustrasinya juga menarik... apalagi hitam-putih... hehehe...
@Tante Ella: Makacieh jadi suara pertama nih...tapi kalo nanti kepilih jadi favorite commentator waah paketnya ke madinah ya???? takluuuuuuk...hi...hi....=P
ReplyDelete@Ammah Sovi: He..he....matur suwun ammah...suratnya apa pa aannya yg lutuuu hayyoooo ;-P
aihh gak baca klo si komentator bakalan dpt bingkisan juga ^-^...
ReplyDeleteyah kirimnya nanti ajah klo ada yg ke madinah geer nih kayak mo dapet ajah :D
aku appreciated banget sama para guru"nya dede fathiya,kreatif,dan sangat bijak sbg seorang guru dan terlihat bagaimana mereka peduli kepada para murid"nya!(impian jadi guru TK gak jadi nih :( )
pilih suratnya rully...
ReplyDeletegambarnya lucu, warna warni lagi. ada gambar fathiyya-nya. lucu!
kalo ada surat dari anggi lebih heboh lagi kali ya huehehe
ummmiii...kau bikin aku kangen mereka. salam yaaa :)
Wah, sulit menilainya, soalnya tulisannya terlalu kecil sih.
ReplyDeletetulisan bu rully dan pak aan lucu... salut juga sama guru2 tk ya.. mereka apresiasinya terhadap anak2 tinggi sekali....
ReplyDeletekalau harus vote.. bingung juga...jadi pilih dua deh.. pak aan dan bu rully.. ^_^
Fath...ammah mw jg coment,tp nih cm pke hape jd ga jlz keliatannya,deadlineny kpn yaah?uhuk2x capa tw dpt hadiah dr ummi ehehe...
ReplyDeletebagus2,,jadi bingung...pilih bu rully deh,warna-warni ceria,,sesuai banget ma dunia anak2 ^^
ReplyDeleteassalamu alaikum sister! i tried viewing the letters but the page of facebook keeps on displaying: "The content is currently unavailable". jazakh allahu khairan!
ReplyDeleteikutan vote aaah..
ReplyDeletepilih yg p'Aan coz isi surat nya lucu :D
"kasurnya p'Aan lebih gede dari badan p'Aan" >> jujur banged :D nggk kebayang deh bobonya gimana :)
wabbit vote bu rizka.. *obses kucing* hehehe...
ReplyDelete@yamashita:sorry for that sis...should i repost d'letters?
ReplyDelete@yamashita:sorry for that sis...should i repost d'letters?
ReplyDelete@yamashita:sorry for that sis...should i repost d'letters?
ReplyDeletedeadlinenya next week ammah tgl 18,sblm Fathiyya bagi rapot tgl 24 ...ditunggu ya suaranya ...Jazzakallah khair ammah Ling...
ReplyDelete@Kak Wabbit: ha..ha..nie pilihan sesuai selera judge ya...
ReplyDelete@Mba Adi: Thx for voting ya mba...semua isi surat ini emang reply utk menjawab pertanyaan disurat ffathiyya, nah ke pa aan fathiyya nanyain gede mana kasur pa aan dgn badan pa aan he...he...
@Uni Dian: Iyya mereka perhatian bgt ma anak makanya pas pembagian rapot nanti fathiyya mau ksh apreciasi buat guru2nya via comment multilier ini...tx ya uni...
@Ogiet: Anggi mah lagi menikmati hari2 being mom ... ga smpet kali 'sentuhan' ma anak2 Firdaus lgi...iyya qt jg kangen ogit nih...tgl 24 pas assembly main sini atuh yuu...
@Aisha chan n P'D mamir: terima kasih....sayang ya tulisannya kekecilan...
yang ada gambar ikannya...*kata Sasha*
ReplyDeleteyes maybe sister. umm...sis, are they in indonesian? isn't there a translation? sorry for the inconvenience! jazakh allahu khairan!
ReplyDelete@Shasha: Makasih ya...Fathiyya seneng deh dibantuin milih suratnya ma Shasha ^_*'
ReplyDelete@Yamashita: They are all in Indonesian, sorry Sis...